Features > Forms:
Your Information
A Form is the foundation for any work management application in XOflow. Forms represent your business concepts and their information, collected and augmented through their life cycles. Forms can have Workflow defined to represent process, or can be for Record Only and simply represent a record of information.

Form Fields - Collect and Store Information
In XOflow, a Form is configured as Fields that collect information from users and store this information for review, reporting or use in other Form-based applications.
With over 30 field types to choose from - including assistive elements such as tabs, content headers, help content, and more - forms can be highly interactive, informative, and engaging and can represent your data exactly as it should be entered and stored. Fields are used throughout the system to drive conditional behavior, report criteria, and even Auto-Preview notifications that alert users to related information.
Reusable Form "Components"
Forms can support rich line item detail. Form Components are reusable "subforms" with any number of fields that can form line item lists of additional information - e.g., line item Specifications on an Order, Milestones for a Project. Line Items can even contain additional line items - e.g., line item Specifications on an Order may contain further line items of the Expense break down for each line item Specification.
Relationships Between Forms
Like business concepts, Forms can be Related to one another - e.g., Quotes to Orders, Service Tickets to Purchase Requests. Forms can be mapped so that information from one form automatically populates another. Forms can be used as fields for reference - e.g., selection of a Prior Order, a Related Ticket, a Contract.
Dashboards - Form Work In Process
As information is entered and moves through the process, it is managed by Users through corresponding Dashboards. Dashboards provide a head-up display of work-in-process that is user-specific, providing the User with a display of the Tasks that they are currently responsible for and providing rapid access to information for getting work completed.
Work Timeliness
When work has performance criteria specified, color-coding on Dashboards indicates when work is late or critical, helping highlight concerns before they are problems and allowing your team to be more proactive.
See it in action
Forms - In Detail
Configure forms for Record/Reference only - or with Workflow to support business process
Map Related Forms to allow for automatic information entry in new related submissions
Auto Preview notifications can be configured to highlight related information as data is entered.
Access Control specifies who has access to a Form - for entry, performing work, or just viewing
Create Report Templates with information placeholders that your users can generate
Create Notification Templates with information placeholders for sending automated emails
Import information from Excel and other data sources
Bulk Edit across multiple records simultaneously
Archive forms that are no longer in use but with information your team needs to reference
Fields - In Detail
Over 30 highly configurable Field Types, from simple to rich informational entry and storage
Basic: Text Line, Text Area, Numeric, Currency, Date, Date-Time, Clock Time, Hyperlink
Selection Lists: Selection Menus, Radio Buttons, Checkboxes
Advanced: Calculations, Comments, Digital Signature, Duration, Timetable
Identifiers: Auto-Number, Sequences
Access and Structure: Organization Selection, Contact/User/Team Selection
Reference: Cross Reference Selections and Lists, connecting other related records
Files: File Upload, Image Upload - with drag-and-drop and optional revision numbering
Decorative: Tabs, Sections, Instructional Text
Key Reference fields are the most important, to be shown in general listings
Key Data fields enforce uniqueness of information as one or a combination of fields
Help content (and placement) provides assistive information
Conditionality allows fields, sections, or tabs to be dependent on other data entry
Access Control specifies who has access to field information - for entry, viewing, or none at all
Dashboards - In Detail
Dashboards provide access to all submissions for a given Form.
Dashboards are the starting point for all Work in Process.
Dashboards are User-context sensitive. Only submissions available to the User are displayed.
Users can organize the Dashboard sections by Tasks assigned or by major Category.
Search capabilities enable rapid locating of any current or historical submissions
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