We are here to help you get the most from your XOflow Work Management applications and respond to issues quickly when you need assistance.
See below for links to documentation, version updates notes and other important information.
Product Documentation
Below are links to the most recent product documentation and guides to assist you and your users participating in your XOflow Work Management applications.
All guides contain links to prior versions of that guide, as needed for older versions of XOflow software.
Integration Guide - for API Integrators (by request)
Product Updates
Product Update information includes an overview of new enhancements and improvements as well as Release Notes describing each change introduced in that version.
Version 2.25 - Base Release 2.2548+
Version 2.26 - Base Release 2.2641+
Version 2.27 - Base Release 2.2757+
Version 2.28 - Base Release 2.2890+
Version 2.29 - Base Release 2.2954+
Version 3.01 - Base Release 3.01014+
How to determine your version of XOflow
Release version information is displayed in the footer of your XOflow site (at the bottom of the screen) upon each refresh (and disappears after several seconds).
Example: 2.2601 - indicates version 2.26
The Major Version is the first part of this release number (2.26). The 2601 represents the minor version. If before the official Production release (as shown above), it is a Development or Testing release. If later, it would represent a hot-fix or update to a formal Production release.
Getting Support
Please provide support requests via email to the XOflow Support Team.